As usual, in the morning I skim through news on and also to research on what to write for.
Guess today I will be covering something interesting about Technology.
Can a robot vomits? How far have technology advance?
Let me introduce to you today Larry the Robot who vomits.
LARRY the robot is probably the ultimate labour saving device: He does the puking so we can do the partying.British boffins have enslaved an anatomically correct robot (at least when it comes to the digestive and throat reflex systems) to a lifetime of projectile vomiting - all in the name of science. Read more here....You see this a robot that do the puking and we do the partying.
Let us explore a virus called Norovirus - commonly called gastro - appears to be spreading. The past year has seen more than the usual number of cases of chronic gastroenteritis in Britain and Australia.
Norovirus - commonly called gastro - appears to be spreading. The past year has seen more than the usual number of cases of chronic gastroenteritis in Britain and Australia.Read more here....
The virus generally only lays its victims low for two or three days with no lasting effect. But, for the very young and the elderly, it can pose serious problems.To help doctors understand how the virus spread, Larry the robot comes into the picture. Scientist help doctors understand how the virus spread through understanding the mechanics of projectile vomiting.
And if one person gets the virus, they - on average - pass it on to seven others.
For the past 40 years, scientists have been trying to understand how the virus spreads so rapidly. They've not made a lot of progress. Read more here....
Professor Ian Goodfellow of Cambrige University told the BBC that once the virus lands on a surface, as few as 18 of the hardy particles can still infect someone up to two weeks later. Read more here....Larry's performance was impressive.
His barfing has shown the norovirus can be projected up to 3m in a violent attack. But it gets worse: chucking-up also produces an ultra-fine spray that can hang suspended in the air - and travel - for a considerable amount of time.Technology have help science progress.
Understand the projectile vomiting of Larry the robot helps doctors understand how the virus spread.
So here's the video of Larry. Thanks to News Limited Network and
Here's the link to it
Enjoy the video.
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